Valerio Medeiros Jr.

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Currently, I am Ph.D. Student from DIMAp (Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics) at UFRN (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte) and a member of INES (National Institute of Science and Technology in Software Engineering). I work at laboratory ForAll developing an approach of translation from B-Method to LLVM and teaching in federal institute of education science and technology of Rio Grande do Norte. My actual research interests are software engineering and formal methods.

Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte | Parnamirim (IFRN) Rua Antônia de Lima Paiva, 155 - Bairro Nova Esperança, Parnamirim - CEP: 59143-455 Brazil
(+55) (84) 4005-4108
Electronic Address:
Academic: valerio.medeiros [arroba]
Personal: valerio.jr [arroba]